donderdag 6 juni 2024

Amsterdam street

 Unimaginable that not so long ago cars were simply allowed to drive through there, let alone park.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful street capture.
    Looks so safe without the cars zipping by!

  2. It must have been crazy along there.

  3. This street is almost wide enough for a bicycle. That cyclist should watch where her is going. Good action in your street photo.

  4. Great capture of a busy street.

  5. Se nota que esta foto, la has hecho cercanas a la navidad, por las decoraciones, que se apuede apreciar en esta imagen.La lluvia hizo acto de presencia y como consecuencia hay esos pequeños charcos en la calle.

  6. Nice action shot! Very enjoyable. Thank you SC Aloha

  7. Great photo, it looks like a busy place.
    Take care, have a great day!


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