zondag 31 december 2023

The new year is still in the scaffolds

 but I still hope it comes out better than last year. (Header piece of Amsterdam harbor seen from the Amsterdam tower.)

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Todo habrá cambiado, por estas fechas en el año próximo.Habrá un edificio nuevo y reluciente.
    Feliz Año Nuevo.

  2. The new construction is a good sign, great for the economy.
    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  3. We all keep our fingers crossed that next year will be better than this one has been. Happy New Year.

  4. Lovely harbor photo for your header, and construction sites are always interesting to see. I've never seen a crane on top of a shipping container before. Happy New Year, S.C.

  5. Let us dare to hope for a better year ahead my friend! That is my wish for you and your lady. With Aloha

  6. That shows the random chaos in life and career

  7. Lots of construction going on. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year to you.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.