zaterdag 30 december 2023

Passing by.

 One for James Weekend Street/Reflections here.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Pasea por la ciudad, encandilado por su luz.
    Un abrazo.

  2. I got a weird content warning when I clicked on your blog today. It said there was sensitive material here.
    Nice candid shot.

  3. When I opened your blog I received a warning about sensitive material. How odd. Fine street photo. He looks like a serious fellow who could be dangerous.

  4. Good one! Loved the caption for the header!

  5. Excellent street shot! My first thought was Ferry Bouman. ;-)

  6. He's looking out at the scenery or waiting for someone.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.