maandag 15 mei 2023

An exquisite SpongeBob

 An ode to SpongeBob by Barcelonan artist DavidL . Seen in the Amsterdam Straat Museum.One for Sami's Colourful World here.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. Looking good... he has my attention.

  2. I thought Sponge Bob looked friendlier :) Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  3. Aterroriza su mirada y su boca abierta.
    Te deseo una buena semana.

  4. The artist has used his license to change the character of our loved goofy character. But that is the artist's, right! Have a good week my friend

  5. That's a scary Spongebob but I do like him.

  6. I wonder what he’s so hot and bothered by.

  7. This is so grotesque that it is great. Must have been a bad day for SpongeBob.

  8. I never got into Spongebob, but this is just quirky and weird!


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