maandag 28 juni 2021

These are not long-lasting

Switch boxes for houseboats in the Amstel. One for Sami's Colorful World here.


14 opmerkingen:

  1. Yes some art is very transient s.c. but cheerful while it lasts 💛

  2. Someone likes to paint. Interesting characters on the box.

  3. Ik vind ze wel leuk en je vindt ze overal in A'dam

  4. I can imagine they're removed regularly.

  5. At least they are funny :) Thanks for participating in Monday Murals SC

  6. Taggers run the gamut from vandals to fine artists. The boxes are a mess, but at least the new tags are fun.

  7. Quite the characters making an appearance on the switch box.

  8. Reminds me of my Happy Days living in the harbor. Thank you SC

  9. So glad they are temporary, but they are fun to see while they are there. Someone has a quirky sense of humor.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.