zondag 27 juni 2021

Walking, watching, taking pictures

 Really looking forward to it again now that most of the measures against corona have been abolished again since yesterday.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Less restrictions starting here next week but still a bit behind you S.C.
    Looking at your photo, did happen to stroll into a men's club?

  2. This is a brilliant capture with leading lines

  3. How fine social gatherings can happen once again, and you can go back to doing street photography.

  4. While most restrictions have been lifted here, one still sees people masking.

  5. Excellent capture of friends happy to be able to catch up at last ✨

  6. Looks like that man's bottom buttons are about to pop off lol


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.