zaterdag 24 oktober 2020

Forest walk


We walked quietly along this path this week
when I saw something moving along the edge
We had never seen this colorful exote before. Soon searched at home. Turned out to be a Lady Amherst pheasant. Must have escaped somewhere because they certainly don't live here in the wild.
One for Saturday critters here

17 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello, the trail looks nice, I would like to walk there. Cool sighting of the Pheasant, that is a surprise. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day. Happy weekend to you!

  2. What a surprise to come across. He is very colourful,

  3. Hello. It is a very beautiful looking bird.

  4. Very special critter!

    be well... mae at

  5. The path looks so much like one I would walk on here in Florida! But that pheasant is quite a sighting! Hope you see it again! Wow!

  6. That is a very strange looking bird!

  7. A lovely path to walk on and what a lovely winged surprise!

  8. A pretty surprise! In my world there are wild peacocks roaming around which, at one time, were only seen in zoos.

  9. Nice light on the path and what a surprise to see a such an exotic bird. The long tail is interesting.

  10. Really colorful and special bird. Would it has run away from the zoo?

  11. I'd call that a really exotic sighting. :-)

  12. Wow!So nice!Beautiful bird and quite a find.Did you take it home ?Lol😂

  13. We saw one of those birds last week, I wondered what it's name was.

  14. Dat is een hele mooie fazant die je zag. Zelf ook nog nooit gezien. Zo zie je maar weer dat de natuur altijd verrassingen heeft voor hen die er in wandelen.

  15. There are shadows in these shots too. Thanks so much!


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