woensdag 9 september 2020

Lunch cafe in Abcoude

Thought these kind of signs were more common in England, but they are here too.
The interior was quite adapted to corona.
 Lunch at last, tartar with old Remeker cheese grated on special country bread. ( That cheese is on my taste palet the Rolls Royce under the Dutch Cheeses ). One for Signs2 here.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. SC it looks like you are enjoying yourself. Stay safe.

  2. Oh la! Definitely worth the long cycle to get there s.c. 💜

  3. I had never heard of that cheese, something to try one day.
    I like the new header photo.

  4. The place looks inviting and old. After your long ride, the food must have been a nice reward. Your new header looks great!

  5. I haven't heard of that kind of cheese either.

  6. I don't think I'd like tartare and SWMBO would never touch it but I suspect that cheese is very tasty on the good bread.

  7. Sieht gemütlich und ansprechend aus !


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