dinsdag 8 september 2020

Cycle tour

 As a late birthday present my daughter and her husband had offered me lunch in a restaurant in Abcoude where we would go, cycling along the Gein and back to Weesp. It had been a long time since I had cycled such a distance.
 Along the way you will of course come across a lot of fun things like this Sunday school for the farmers children from the polder for religious education.
 And mills that have dried up that area, some of which are still working.
All in all it was worth the 20 km on the bike. I dedicate this post to Our World Tuesday here.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Interesting sights along the way. A trip I would have enjoyed. There's nothing better than being with family.

  2. Hello,

    Lovely scenes and photos. Looks like a nice place to ride your bike. Happy Belated Birthday! Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. What a lovely bike ride s.c. you would certainly have worked up an appetite after that ride and worked it off again on the trip home 😉 btw happy belated birthday 🎈

  4. Beautiful captures along the way! Ride must have been invigorating!

  5. What a nice thing to spend time with your daughter!Beautiful places.did it go well on that bike ride?I have not been on a bike for years..hahah

    Love that windmill ;)))

  6. A wonderful way to celebrate a birthday. Beautiful captures and lovely scenery.

  7. Yikes! 20 km works out to nearly 12-1/2 miles. On a bicycle. Too much for me, even for a good lunch.


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