dinsdag 17 september 2019

Smallest theatre in Amsterdam.

For a long time, this location was home to the sausage production facility of the Hesseling family, renowned Amsterdam butchers. In 1989, Wim Kerkhoven, the puppeteer of Dam Square, took over the building and personally transformed it into the Pantijn puppet theatre. Later this intimate little theatre with its distinct living room-like feel came into the hands of local newspaper Het Parool. Since 2011 it has been known as the Torpedo Theater . (Text by amsterdam.com/heritagedays)
180ยบ turned you have the bar. For non commercial party's the theater is also for rent at a starting price of just €200,- , bar support and catering is an extra service. (Yes they need a little help). One for Our World Tuesday here.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. I am glad there was enough room for you and your camera. Nice photos SC.

  2. Hello, looks like a fun evening. The theater looks tiny, is it just one room?
    Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  3. An intimate setting. The size reminds me of a small performance space here that I've been in a couple of times.

  4. The space is very inviting. Nice photos s.c.

  5. Oh, I'm in love with that intimate space. Found you through biebkriebels.

  6. It has an interesting story this building.

  7. It is an amazing space s.c. Small but perfectly formed as they say ๐Ÿ˜Š


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