vrijdag 10 oktober 2014

Indestructible fences

The cast iron fences of the Amsterdam bridges as here on the Brouwersgracht canal. Indestructible.
One for good fences here.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Yup... made to last in scenic spot.

  2. I guess they would need to be with all the traffic they support.

  3. So beautiful. You had lovely light there s.c.

  4. very nice! and no one can attach locks of love to them, either! :)

  5. Also one that no one can attach...oh, TexWisGirl read my mind.

  6. En dat ze 'onverwoestbaar' zijn is maar goed ook, denk ik.

  7. And they look good in their places. But most of the bridges and their streets are so small that there would never be a big vehicle going fast enough to test them.

  8. It is good they are indestructible.. I love the scene, very pretty.


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