zondag 9 maart 2025

The new university library

 After a complete renovation of several years, the downtown complex of the University of Amsterdam on the former Binnengasthuis site is finally nearing completion. Here the new facade of the library (design Roberto Meyer of buro MVSA in collaboration with buro J.van Stigt). The sentence “just read , it does not say what it says ”from poem Awater by Martinus Nijhoff is used here in the 24 languages taught at the Uva. (Header face on the terrace of cafe De Jaren by the water but it was so crowded that we had sat down next door in the coffee bar of hotel de Doelen. Also an excellent view).

7 opmerkingen:

  1. The facade is interesting! Take care, have a wonderful day and a happy week ahead.

  2. Lovely exterior of the library.
    The view from the café also is lovely.

  3. I like your new header photo. It looks like spring with all the people sitting out in the sun. That is a creative building facade with that poem. "Just read" is a good message. Libraries are critical institutions for passing on culture.

  4. Wonderful new header and a great view of the updated facade of the library.


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