zaterdag 8 februari 2025



Yesterday Sofietje and we had a tough day. The vet removed a tumor from her neck and we all hope the best because she is already 15 and a half year. Now she is lying on her favorite spot the windowsill which is heated from below by the radiator and today she also waddled back to her drinking bowl in the kitchen on her own legs to have a drink. She has also eaten some kibble. At least that looks hopeful. One for Saturday Critters here.

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh my, best wishes for Sofietje. I hope she recovers well from the procedure.
    Thank you for your critter post and sharing your link. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I hope she feels much better soon. She has you to take care of her and that's good!

  3. She has all the love and help around her to get her through the recovery.

  4. I hope Sofietje recovers quickly. She has a good home, and a warm place to rest. I know you give her the best of care.

  5. I hope she feels better and has a full and complete recovery. She's surrounded by lots of love to help her along.

  6. Prayers for Sofietje speedy recovery , Take care

  7. Oh so sad😢Hope she recovers soon.Give her the best💖Feel your pain😢

  8. We will add her and you to our prayer list. Aloha friend, best wishes

  9. oh poor baby, 15 is a good age for a cat, I had one as a child who lived to be 19.

  10. I wish her the best. Hopefully it's a quick recovery.

  11. Poor Sofietje, I hope all is well with the tumour that was removed. She's getting to the age when health problems start. Hope she feels better soon


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.