zondag 5 januari 2025

Did not expect to experience this again.

There was snow this morning but it is already starting to melt away nicely as the snow has turned to rain. (Header canal view Oudezijds Achterburgwal )

8 opmerkingen:

  1. It certainly brightens things up. We have no snow but it is cold, -5˚C.

  2. Your new header photo is a terrific street shot with the person and all the birds on the canal. Enjoy the snow while it is there. If nothing else snow is great for photography.

  3. they they say more snow is coming for yu--Nice picture😍

  4. The snow looks really nice while it lasts. Your header is fantastic, great shot and I like seeing the person on the phone.

  5. The snow adds so much sentiment to the frame

  6. A bit like Winter. Expecting a lot of snow, starting now.


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