maandag 25 november 2024

In the secret garden


Behind a greengrocer in downtown Amsterdam is a treasure trove of murals . By asking the greengrocer if you can see them he will open the gate for you and you can get in. I have posted about this before. One for Sami's Colourful world here. (Header market hall Rotterdam by MVRDV)

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Pretty mural. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

  2. Nice find behind closed doors :) I like the new header photo, very colourful. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals SC.

  3. Hidden treasures.
    Love the new header.

  4. S.C. you have another wonderful header photo. The pattern must be a projection? How wonderful that you found an area with murals that limit public access. It is indeed a secret garden.

  5. Nice new header and a fantastic find of the secret garden mural.

  6. Mural looks awesome, Loved blog banner.

  7. The top one looks a bit like a whale.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.