zondag 27 oktober 2024

You will live there

 and hope you don't get your feet wet. (Header trouble with export photo. Lucky for us the weather is okay now.)

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Those ground floor places must have water issues.

  2. Water and buildings do not get along well so there are always problems. Lovely reflections in your photo.

  3. Buenas vistas desde esas ventanas, aunque estando tan cerca del agua, debe de haber mucha humedad en las viviendas.

  4. This looks tricky. Out on the bike for five hours today. Left early, hoping to beat the rain. Did not work, biked all the way home, 90 minutes, in the cold rain.

  5. It would be nerve racking to live with a rising water line. Nice header, I like it.

  6. That is going to be a hell of experience living there


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.