donderdag 12 september 2024

Brocante Almere-Haven

And so each era still has its own distinctive design.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. These packaging are so unique and stylish. The spoons are very artistic

  2. Your second photo seems appropriate for the 1960s with its bright colors, joy and exuberance. We seem to be in a much darker period now.

  3. Looking back brings back memories. We had plates, cups and bowl in the 60s that had the bright colours like those spoons.

  4. Hay a quiƩn le gusta decorar su casa, usando adornos bastante antiguos.

  5. That is one of the things we love about old places and things, we are able to time travel through them to earlier times and to early yourselves. Thank you for this thoughtful post my friend. Aloha

  6. I see some things there i would like, loving the header image. looks like a pub interior i would see here


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