zondag 4 augustus 2024

Passing by

 Just thought this was a nice composition. ( Header refining plant in the Rotterdam port area.)

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Es una perfecta composición. Este buen fondo, hace que la vista se centre en la persona y en los objetos que tiene cerca.

  2. Yes, your photo is well composed, and I think there is someone missing, the owner of the little strider bike. Your header photo is a wonderful night shot, but I still like the header photo with the guy and his camera.

  3. Yes an intriguing street composition

  4. Nicely captured, a moment in time.

  5. Excellent shot, you got the time and location just right.

  6. The white background isolates him well


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.