vrijdag 23 augustus 2024

From the dike.

 One for Skywatch Friday here. ( Better 1/3 water and 2/3 sky but that for the next one)

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Buena luz, llega desde el cielo al mar.
    Feliz fin de semana. Un abrazo.

  2. Wonderful photo with the sunlight reflecting off the water. You caught a good moment.

  3. That almost looks religious. Beautiful.

  4. What a serene and captivating shot! The blend of water and sky creates such a peaceful atmosphere. Can't wait to see your next post with more of that sky!
    Read my new blog post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2024/08/best-ways-to-style-pink-shorts-for-chic-spring-summer-look.html
    Thank you.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.