dinsdag 2 juli 2024

Waiting rooms

Sitting here a little too much these days but yes old age.


9 opmerkingen:

  1. Waiting rooms are not fun, I hope all is well.
    Take care, have a wonderful day!

  2. Lucky you don't have to wait!
    Take care.

  3. Yes, I know all about old age. The less time I spend in waiting rooms the better.

  4. I know that feeling. Hope all is well.

  5. Se ven cómodos los asientos, por si se alarga mucho la espera.

  6. Niet leuk! Hopelijk niet al te vaak meer.

  7. Taking time and go to the streets my friend! And when you return early the comfort will be more comfortable. As we age, we need to relax and move! I wish you all the best aloha


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.