zondag 2 juni 2024


 Oh well yes must be possible. (Header made on this bridge on the left looking across the Amstel River. Surely a rainstorm broke out. Nice for all those cyclists and open boats on the water.)

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Your header photo looks great. Take care, have a great day and happy week!

  2. Your header photo is most dramatic with all those dark clouds, and you post today brought a big smile. It is a delightful photo.

  3. Love the header! That young woman is funny.

  4. Parece que se han puesto de acuerdo, para pedalear, por la misma ruta.

  5. It is always shocking when someone in our photograph notices us. It is electric. Thank you for this fun photograph my friend. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead. Aloha

  6. A fun shot. I am currently waiting for a guy to come and pick up my ebike. It needs some repair work, so I am riding one of my regular bikes since a few days, and it sure is harder withoutcthe engine!


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.