maandag 27 mei 2024

Ground mural.


3D on pavement an art in itself. One for Sami's Colourful World here.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. I like your new header photo with the wet bricks and all the action. Yes, the 3D street artists do amazing art. Always good to one of these artists at work.

  2. Lo has encontrado, en pleno proceso de elaboración.

  3. The artist's hair is also very colorful. Lovely share!

  4. 3D murals are great. Nice to find the artist at work. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals SC

  5. Interesting perspective, I'd like to see it when it's done.

  6. She seems to know what she is doing, a fun effect.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.