dinsdag 9 april 2024

View in Oosterwold

Was Sunday again looking at the newest district of Almere Oosterwold where you can build houses without government interference but with fixed rules about eco friendliness (such as no gas use) and that you must use at least 1/3 of your land for vegetable garden. You also have to take care of your own sewerage etc.  It turns out that a lot of people have trouble with that and have underestimated the cost of their own energy supply, which makes the architecture of some houses look more like a glorified shed. Still, there are some gems among them.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. They are beautiful homes! Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Dealing with sewage might not be too bad, but creating one's own energy might be difficult. You did photograph fine looking houses.

  3. I can see sewage being a big problem. That seems to be the type of thing that works best community wide rather than individually.

  4. Gosh I can't imagine the New Zealand government being that environmentally friendly, they have a hard enough time cutting out as it is. I do like these houses though, they are very attractive.

  5. Looks interesting but I'm too lazy to build my own house and take care of my own sewage.

  6. Yoy need to go back and reshoot that last photo!


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.