zaterdag 20 januari 2024

You have to see it, the thorny devil lizard.

In the middle of the outback.

Another specimen of Australia's wondrous critter world. One for Saturday's Critters here.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow, the Thorny Devil Lizard is cool, great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  2. What an amazing looking lizard. It looks appropriate for the harsh environment in which it lives.

  3. Es una especie muy rara. La primera vez, que vi un lagarto en la naturaleza, lo espanté con mis gritos. Ya que me serené, intenté encontrarlo y le hice unas cuantas de fotografías. Lo que no sería capaz de cogerlo con la palma de mi mano.
    Un abrazo.

  4. That is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing this creature with us! Aloha!

  5. That's one seriously cool, badass critter.

  6. Yes I see him or her, I love him, he's very cool and unusual.

  7. That lizard looks like an incredible piece of evolution.


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