maandag 8 januari 2024

Trouble by anwering comments and posts

 For several weeks I have been suffering from the phenomenon that when I want to comment I get the comment of "Failed to publish, try later again" And it is by most posts. I can see everything but can't comment. Sorry for that.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik krijg het nu pas in de gaten, maar het is bij mij hetzelfde. Alleen als ik op mijn telefoon reageer

  2. I had that problem on my pc, it was impossibe to fix, abd in the end I gave up and only leave comments via my smartphone.

  3. I had that problem on my pc, it was impossibe to fix, abd in the end I gave up and only leave comments via my smartphone.

  4. Sorry to hear this. It is frustrating for both of us.

  5. Crazy. I hope that you can get this figured out. Blogger seems to have a lot of issues lately.

  6. Yes, I experienced the same thing for a period last week. Sometimes hitting a second time worked. But now it seems to have resolved. I hope yours results very quickly. I think sometimes Google is working on the system and they will eventually get it back working perfectly. Aloha friend

  7. I've had the same problem, even on my own blog. Usually I come back later and it corrects itself.

  8. I can only comment if I am using Google Chrome.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.