donderdag 4 januari 2024

10 Years ago


Don't see this happening any time soon

7 opmerkingen:

  1. I am sure the skating is missed, I am guessing the weather is not cold enough for it to freeze? Take care, have a wonderful day!

  2. Frozen canals may be in our past as global warming continues. We need to stop screwing up the planet.

  3. Climate change is having such an extreme effect. Sad that there will probably be no going back.

  4. My fervent prayer is that we do what needs to be done to preserve the future. Thank you for sharing. SC. Aloha!

  5. That would be brave to do skating on it

  6. Parece una pista de patinaje, que ha surgido de forma natural.
    Feliz Noche de Reyes.


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