woensdag 8 november 2023

Does it never end

 Would like to arrive at my destination dry again.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. Não controlamos a chuva.
    Se queremos circular temos que a enfrentar.
    Abraço outonal.
    Juvenal Nunes

  2. Getting a bit damp is one of the prices you pay for getting great street photos with those shiny streets and reflections. But try to keep your camera dry.

  3. It is a good shot but I understand your need for dry weather.

  4. Nice street scene SC. Thank you Aloha

  5. ¡Llueve!, pero a nadie le ha cogido desprevenido, marchan con paraguas abiertos o con chubasqueros para protegerse de la lluvia.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Wonderful street scene. Our day started out sunny but rained all afternoon.

  7. Rainy scenes in streets are great images too


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.