donderdag 14 september 2023

Dog backpack

 According to the owner, the dog does not find this a problem to go to Amsterdam by bus like this. Had not seen one before and also depends on the dog. A shepherd would not fit.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. I can't imagine getting a dog into that. It must be hot in there. I would be claustrophobic if I was the dog.

  2. This dog backpack is a first for me also. If the dog is happy then so is she. Interesting photo.

  3. Never knew there was a dog backpack. Very cool especially if the dog fits and likes it.

  4. Buena mochila, para transportar al perro y tenerlo bien controlado.
    Es la primera que he visto. No conocía de su existencia.
    Un abrazo

  5. I'm glad the dog is comfortable and gets to travel. Usually we see cats in such contraptions. I enjoy visiting you daily and seeing your photographs. Thank you, S. C. Aloha!


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