woensdag 27 september 2023

And tinkering with that city.

 Although the shopkeepers and residents of this street will be a little less happy about it.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. It is never ending here and always seems to be behind the schedule.

  2. Are those tram or train lines? Must be pretty noisy for the residents there.

  3. Can't put off the importance of a work project.

  4. The city is always trying to make improvements. The tracks make fine perspective in your photo.

  5. Entre esos bloques de pisos están las vías, para tener un buen transporte. Me imagino que el ruido que hacen, debe ser bastante molesto para los vecinos.
    Un abrazo

  6. Yes renovations like that cos those businesses their customers


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.