maandag 11 september 2023

A little street museum

 Due to change in new building plans, this courtyard behind a vegetable store in the heart of Amsterdam was spared. The greengrocer, a lover of street art, invited befriended artists to decorate it a bit with remarkable results.

For fans of murals, there really is a lot to see and I did sit there for an hour or so taking it all in.

Some artists left their tags on a table

But a nice experience it was. One for Sami's Colourful World here.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. I like how realism is interspersed with cartoons. I think the owner of this space can be quite proud.

  2. Oh wow! Good of him to have let the place to be made attractive by murals!

  3. Great courtyard with lots of street art to admire. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals SC. Love the header photo with the big motorbike!

  4. What a remarkable art courtyard. The walls don't look very stable, but the murals are wonderful to see so long as the walls last. What a great find.

  5. A nice spot for all the street art, I like it.

  6. Buena colección de grafitis. me gusta mucho el último.
    Un abrazo

  7. How nice to see the courtyard is spared and the cheery murals added. Even the table turned out pretty.

  8. So very glad you enjoyed your time in the garden and that it was saved! A very interesting place to linger. Aloha friend

  9. Excellent idea. More towns should do this.

  10. A courtyard transformed into an art gallery.


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