vrijdag 3 februari 2023

Bus station

 We have been waiting 4 years for the promised roof over the bus station on top of the A6 but the loss on the Floriade is so great that we will probably have to wait many years more. Until then we just make do with the bare sky which I then pass on to Skywatch Friday here.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. I know the feeling. Four years and still waiting.

  2. We seem to wait forever for things like that here.

  3. We had a big bus depo in Haninge for msny years thst looked a littne like this. The new one opened a few years ago, underground.

  4. Over here there are many towns that need bus shelters and who knows when they will be built. I don't know why things are promised and they are never achieved. Typical bureaucracy bull.

  5. You may not have gotten your roof, but you did get a shot with great light and sky.

  6. Its common political issue everywhere. Promise but no deliver and keep paying infinite taxes. Beautiful view anyways

  7. Tiene un buen caudal de agua. Tiene mucha belleza el paisaje.

  8. It will be even longer by the time the roof is built


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.