zondag 25 december 2022

Melting ice.

 Had to go to Amsterdam for a while last night. It was terrible weather but strangely not cold at all. Actually much too warm for the time of year. See also the header. One for James Weekend Street/Reflections here.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. The header is proof of the terrible weather. Blame the warmth on Climate change.

  2. Winter rain is so cold. Merry Christmas.

  3. wow such a bad weather!Hopefully it will get better!

  4. Love this street photography with a touch of melancholy

  5. I like that big ice cream, havent seen a green one before though but probably a bit cold for you to be eating them at this time of year.

  6. Love the reflections in your new header photo. That ice cream cone is just about the right size for me.

  7. We had some hail yesterday and this morning. I like your new header, it's a beauty.

  8. Very nice street shot. Thank you for the weather report


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