donderdag 15 december 2022

So winter has finally arrived at home too

A very thin layer of ice on the water but if the weather forecast is to be believed it will be gone by next week.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. oh it will come to you too hah hah Hope you have wood ! :)Nice picture!

  2. Light snow,,, lucky you S.C. The weather here today... Hazards: Snowfall accumulations of 15 to 20 cm. Peak snowfall rates of 2 to 4 cm per hour. The greatest snowfall amounts are expected over the higher terrain north of Lake Ontario. Reduced visibility in snow and blowing snow.

  3. We're in for a snowstorm here starting tonight.

  4. That looks lovely. Andy has already told you what we are expecting today although it is raining now with the snow to follow soon.

  5. It snowed here last night and the footpaths are a icy mess.

  6. The thin ice does produce a good reflection. Lovely photo. Winter seems to be closing in here also. We have several days of snowstorms predicted.

  7. Looks like that frost on the grass is going to crackle under your feet


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