zaterdag 17 september 2022

From the archive

 Zoutkeets gracht. Adobe added some nice tricks at Lightroom and that's why it pays to revisit old photos.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Well done S.C. You are right about revisiting old photos.

  2. Dramatic clouds and beautiful reflections

  3. Very ominous looking! I have to keep insect and nature photos realistic, so I don't often play with LIghtroom (my editor of choice, too). But when I do? I make a mess. You did good.

  4. Dramatic sky and great reflections, but my eye goes to that antique looking white boat. It could have been a stylish yacht at one time.

  5. Seguro que le has dado nueva vida a esta imagen, haciendo una nueva edición.
    Las nubes están muy bien acentuadas y añaden un gran dramatismo a la escena.

  6. Yes, our old photos have much to teach us


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.