dinsdag 26 april 2022

New Dolls

 Somehow these figures look familiar to me. Seen in an amsterdam shopwindow.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Reacties
    1. Yes you are right and to the right Keith Haring. Don't know the middle one.

  2. Seguro que provocan el entusiasmo a los niños, que la utilizarán para sus juegos.

  3. The middle one is Basquiat I think.

  4. Interesting characters. I only recognize Warhol but don't know the other two. Never heard of Keith Haring.

  5. I recognized Keith Haring from his iconic t-shirt, and Andy Warhol from his hair, but can't identify the middle one. I assume another artist.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.