donderdag 10 februari 2022

Southern Church Tower

 Seen via the "Jodenbreestraat" but if I heard correctly, at the end of the month the lockdown will be lifted and these scenes will be possible again. Well it's about time.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Good luck with the end of lock down. I think think the whole world would like to see that happen.

  2. All restrictions were removed in Sweden yesterday, pubs, nightclubs filled up. Ticket sales for events explided yesterday afternoon.

  3. That will be great when the lockdown ends. The only restrictions we have left are the masks on public transit and in stores. That will be reviewed at the end of this month.

  4. ok love that church !tower seems very special!Here in Norway we are not opened yet Good luck with the end of lock down:))We need normal days!

  5. Quite a spire. Things are being eased in stages here.

  6. Wow to many people for me, it's like that here now people walking around

  7. Preciosa torre, que se alza, detrás de ese gran dificio de viviendas.

  8. Hope your lockdown was successful at reducing the speed of the virus. Another fine street shot, S.C.


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