donderdag 2 december 2021

It can be done again

Had forgotten the parmesan for the pasta dish last night but luckily our remodeled supermarket just reopened. Question of a three minute walk.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Lo tienes bastante cerca, 3 minutos no es mucho tiempo y no hay que preocuparse si falta alguna cosa, para elaborar la comida.

  2. There is also a "Jumbo" supermarket chain in Portugal.

  3. Good thing your supermarket is handy. Can't forget the parmesan cheese. Good to see everyone wearing a mask. That is not so here, and the pandemic continues.

  4. You are lucky that the store is so close!

  5. Can't forget parmesan, it makes a pasta dish


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.