dinsdag 23 november 2021

Make our cities green

 In Rotterdam, they are already well on their way. One for Our World Tuesday here.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Good urban planning needed. I am hoping that all cities get the message.

  2. Nice such a green green colour!Nice with that Bybane trail as well:)))

  3. Es muy bueno tener zonas verdes en medio de la ciudad.

    Me encanta ese espacio, que ha sido creado, para beneficio de los habitantes que viven por allí.

  4. Good that Rotterdam is a green city. The world need to move more in that direction for all our sakes. Lovely symbolic photo.

  5. Great to have so much greenery in the city.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.