woensdag 6 oktober 2021

Warning passing cyclists

 This signal I knew but in the sidewalk is new to me. One for signs2 here.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. More of a note to pedestrians, perhaps looking at their phone.

  2. I don't ride a bike but it is nice to see the warning sign.

  3. And it looks good as well as getting a message across.

  4. I walk on a trail that bikes ride on and see this sign a lot. They yield to me and just about always have a nice hello in passing!

  5. I hope walkers do see that sign, I imagine they do because bikes are everywhere and it should be common knowledge.

  6. I have never thought of bicycles as a hazard unless ridden by thoughtless people. While I have not seen one of these signs, its meaning is clear. Watch out for bikes.

  7. Buena advertencia, para los que circulan en bicicleta.

  8. Seems like you have alot more cyclists than NZ does.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.