vrijdag 2 april 2021

In search of blossom

It turns out that Almere Rainbow Neighborhood is also full of cherry blossoms as here along the 850 m long Sienna Street. We continue our search for a while. One for Skywatch Friday here.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. You have found blossom paradise.

  2. The cherry blossoms are just stunning. S.C., I enjoyed your comment today on my blog. You have the eye of both a photographer and an architect. That shed in my picture is just standing out of habit. Once a roof leaks, the building is doomed. Have a Happy Easter.

  3. Another wonderful header, s.c., and love those cherry blossoms. Must be very cheer-ing. ;-)

  4. Love cherry blossoms - a true sign of Spring

  5. That looks like a fun walk for a photographer.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.