woensdag 28 april 2021

Coot on nest

Here in the city canal of Almere-Haven. Surely this is proof of how polluted the water is with, among other things, plastic. One for Signs2 here.

18 opmerkingen:

  1. How sad and upsetting. These birds who have nothing to do with it and who have to suffer the effects of human madness

  2. How terrible is all that rubbish in the river! But the coot found a nice nest :)

  3. :O How terrible!! Good photo, but realism of nature + plastic is so sad!

  4. ...the coot is a nice sign, its nest isn't. Thanks sc for sharing.

  5. The bird must be wondering about the good old days!

  6. Sad to see the plastic pollution. Plastic may be the worst pollution in the world after carbon dioxide. In the news today 47 tons of plastic were removed from the uninhabited islands in the Hawaiian Island chain in just a few days.

  7. Very sad to see the human effect.

  8. Oh that's sad to see s.c. we really are ruining our planet ✨

  9. Pollution is ruining our planet, sad that people don't care.


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