zaterdag 20 maart 2021

Taken yesterday 5 seconds apart

Whether this is really a useful combination in our garden. I do not know but I must admit that Sophie is not really interested in birds in the garden anymore. (Put an old 500mm Canon mirror lens on an m4/3 camera yesterday with a 1000mm tele as result). One for Saturday Critters here.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello,
    Great shot of the Sparrow. Sophie is adorable among the plants. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend!

  2. The 500mm is working real good. [ 0 ]

  3. Very beautiful and it's fun to observe the feeders! You never know what you'll see!

  4. Lovely captures! Today incidentally is World Sparrow Day too!

  5. The birds must still give her respect!

  6. Cats are the biggest threat to bird life that exists. Just mentioning it can start a fight in our Audubon Society, and the topic is banned from several listserves and other social media sources for info about bird finding!

    be safe... mae at

  7. Interesting. I've never used a mirror lens.

  8. But she keeps the bird in her sight. Great photo!

  9. I don't know s.c. her ears are back in alert position 😉 excellent captures.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.