dinsdag 9 maart 2021

One of the few advantages of the lockdown.

You have much more time to spend on your food like here Boeuf Bourguignon. Problem don't grow to fat. One for Our World Tuesday here.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. I am sure I am going to come out of this pandemic over weight.

  2. I'm getting sick of cooking - would love to go to a restaurant!

  3. We. still make the Julia Child version of this excellent stew. Certainly a dish to enjoy, and your photograph just allows us to enjoy it more.

  4. Boeuf Bourguignon is a world-famous classic from France. This is a powerful and tasty meat stew that is well suited for preparation in advance and heated before serving - then the taste will only be even better. Yeah i had to google it hih hih

    Looks very tasty nammm!!

  5. Delish, and so beautifully presented s.c.


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