maandag 22 maart 2021

Looking for subjects

Our local Italian restaurant. Now already closed for 3/4 year but you can still order pizza's. Hope that keeps them in the air. One for Colourful World here.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. Nice one. Our restaurants were just allowed to open their patios this weekend. It should help them a bit as long as it doesn't get really cold again.

  2. Nice mural Marianne. I hope most small businesses stay afloat, it's been difficult for them for sure!
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  3. Restaurants have had a terrible year. Hope this one survives. It has a great mural on the wall, a positive addition to the neighborhood. BTW, the Geese in my photo today are part way on their migration and have just stopped here for a short rest and will be gone in a few hours. They are a sure sign of spring.

  4. At least some of our restaurants are getting a little federal assistance during this time.

  5. It's a beautiful mural, but surprising to find it at an Italian restaurant. Seems it would have fit better with Asian inspired food. Yes, restaurants have been hard hit everywhere. I hope they make it.

  6. I wish them luck too. Very nice of you to patronize them and help them out.

  7. Take out is essential right now, and hopefully they pull through.

  8. That mural reminds me of the karate kid.

  9. Lots of my favourite colours s.c. hopefully enough takeaway pizza was ordered to save the day for them ✨


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