zondag 14 februari 2021

Our national sport

At the canal near our house, there are oddly more smoking barbecues than skaters present. But everybody forget for a moment Covid.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Lovely to see s.c. it's good to have those moments ✨

  2. Relax for a bit and forget the world's troubles.

  3. Good idea to be out and having a barbecue.
    Nice new header too!

  4. So, the canal finally froze. Did you got skating? From your photos the ice looks rough. BBQ? Why not, a perfect excuse to enjoy being outside, and beside, the food is good too.

  5. A great way to keep warm around the fire too. I like the new header.

  6. barbeques outside in the snow? it's a bit off

  7. The Dutch canals are a great place for ice skating.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.