maandag 11 januari 2021

Holiday in Norway 2013

The large hall of the town hall in Oslo Norway with the murals of Henrik Sorensens. Made between 1938 and 1950 the large one against the back wall is called "Administration and Feast". Furthermore many images from Norwegian history and Legends. In this room, the Nobel Peace Prize is always awarded on 10 December. It is the only Nobel Prize that is awarded outside Sweden. One for Sami's Colourful World here.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. ...what a grand hall, with bright art. Thanks for sharing this, take care.

  2. Wow, that is a beautiful sight to see. Everything is so neat, tidy and colourful.

  3. Beautiful hall. And the murals are gigantic!
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  4. There is so much to look at, you can't see it all at once. Even when I enlarged the image, it was a lot to take in at once. It's amazing and an incredible room. If this room could talk, imagine the history it would share.

  5. wow I have never been there !Nice to see!

  6. What a beautiful hall and the mural is quite impressive.

  7. Amazing! Apropos of nothing, I have just done one of those Ancestry tests and they say I am 75% Norwegian. I knew my mother was of Norwegian ancestry but the other quarter surprised me.


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