dinsdag 29 september 2020


 Metro station amsterdam north this morning. Almost no commuters or passengers and if you just go for photographing Amsterdam,(as I do),the Hague or Rotterdam then this is strongly discouraged by the government for the next 3 weeks due to a second wave of covid infections . One for Our World Tuesday here.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. We have two things in common. A lack of people on commuter trains and a second wave of Covid-19. Stay safe SC.

  2. Beautiful photograph. Stay safe. Take care.

  3. Excellent perspective s.c. but surreal to see the metro like a ghost station ✨

  4. As Andy said, it is the same here. We will be staying home again for a while here.

  5. It's strange to see the station empty with no people. We just got new restrictions for three weeks here in our county for a rise in infections. Restaurants closing but can do only takeaways. Pubs just opened last week now they have to close early and have a limit on people they can serve. Five people at a time and outside.

  6. Covid19 is affecting all aspects of life, isn't it?

  7. Yep, we're trending up again in places here, too.

  8. We're seeing some measures come back into play for restrictions with a second wave.

  9. What a great shot of the Metro, but people are sorely lacking. SC, please stay safe and healthy. I heard about your second wave. We are still in the first wave with infections getting worse all the time. We have no rational leadership.

  10. So sorry you are going through a second wave, take care!

  11. Interesent metro station. No people ...

  12. Unusual with an empty station but as a photographer hard to resist.

  13. yes, the amount of people in cities here has dropped too.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.