maandag 17 augustus 2020

Willem Barentsz

Trying to find the north passage to India he and his crew had to overwinter on Spitsbergen for almost a year. On the way back he died in 1597. One for Sami's Colourful World here.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Overwintering on Spitzbergen sounds terrifying! I was there in summer and it clearly has really severe winters with no light at all and very threatening polar bears. The early explorers were really amazing.

    be well... mae at

  2. Very inhospitable place to spend winter! A beautiful mural and lovely tribute.
    Thanks for participating SC.

  3. Interesting mural... but it was Spitsbergen that caught my interest. I never knew anything about it until I did a Google search. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Nice!!
    I am rreading about Leiv Erikson travel to wineland(before Columbus) so it was great with this post

  5. That is an impressive mural honoring this explorer. Nice mix of traditional and contemporary.

  6. A nice mural paying tribute to the explorer. It must have been brutal to spend a winter there.

  7. A shame that it's marred by that graffiti.

  8. Wat een mooie. Lijkt op de schoolplaatjes van heel vroeger


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