zondag 10 november 2019

Couldn't choose

It was last Friday such a beautiful golden light at 5 PM that I had trouble to choose from the photos I made. Here three samples.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. The light is so lovely at this time of year! The first pic looks like an old one with sepia tones.

  2. Mooi dat herfstlicht en die lange schaduwen.

  3. You are correct about the beautiful light. Also like the subjects of your photos.

  4. Three beauties! I love the old feel to the first photo.

  5. The sepia tone gives the first one an aged look while the third photo is bright and vivid. All are nice compositions.

  6. Well I'm glad you couldn't choose s.c. because I enjoyed seeing all three 💛 The light through the trees in last shot is too gorgeous ✨

  7. All 3 are beautiful, but my favourite would be the last one.

  8. You really did capture that rapturous fall light, that's so rare as the days get very short.

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.