dinsdag 8 oktober 2019

Mask shop in the Warmoes street.

Would this attract customers ? One for Our World Tuesday here.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. There's an old saying... different strokes for different folks.

  2. Ik heb er niks mee, wat is het verschil met het dragen van een burka en dit?

  3. I'd go in, but admittedly like many people, I dislike clowns. Only slightly less than mimes, who sometimes cross boundaries and become clowns.

  4. If I was looking for a mask, I probably would go in but I'm not looking for on. :) At least you got a great photo.

  5. Clowns scare many people away. I see they are also selling Guy Fawkes masks for any protesters who need them.

  6. the younger generation ~ 20's would love it ~ ^_^ Neat photo !

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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